We believe that baptism is a public and outward expression of your decision to follow Jesus - and it's the first step we encourage new believers to make after committing their lives to Christ. The act of baptism symbolizes what Jesus has done for us - he died, was buried, and rose again. When you go under the water, you are symbolically burying your old self in the likeness of Christ's death. When you're brought out of the water, you are symbolically raised in the likeness of His glorious resurrection. Baptism is not what brings you new life. Jesus does that by His grace through your faith in Him. But this is a public profession of what God has done for you! If you have decided to follow Jesus and have not yet been baptized, we would love to baptize you. Please click the "baptism" button below if you are interested in being baptized, and we will connect with you from there.
If you're not ready for baptism but are interested in learning more about following Jesus, click "becoming a Christian" and we will reach out to you. You can also watch a short video about the Gospel here.
If you're not ready for baptism but are interested in learning more about following Jesus, click "becoming a Christian" and we will reach out to you. You can also watch a short video about the Gospel here.